

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Worship, it's all about Him!

This week's blog is written by high school youth leader, Jana Patrick. For more information about Amp'd Youth Ministries and Mount Airy Bible Church please visit us at or Facebook
What is worship to you? What is your definition of worship? How do you worship?

All summer these were questions that I feel God was laying on my heart. I didn't not have a right thinking of worship. I got stuck in a rut! I started viewing worship as only the singing portion of a church service. That all changed during a message at my parent's church in Houston (Woodsedge Community Church) in which the pastor preached about communion. You're probably thinking, how does communion convict someone's heart about their attitude toward worship? Well, let me tell you. Woodsedge chooses to take part in communion weekly. It is not as formal and structured as Mount Airy Bible Church, but Pastor Jeff made a HUGE point that there is no right or wrong way to take communion. As long as you have put your faith in Christ and partake with the right attitude there is no wrong or right.

The thoughts I kept having were, am I making worship about me? Am I focusing so much on what I've done wrong and forgetting about all the things that God has done right? Before taking communion we are to "set right" all the ways that we have wronged God, but it is also a time for us to acknowledge, praise and WORSHIP all that God is, all that He has done and all that He has yet to do.

So, where am I headed with this?

I had turned worship inward instead of God-ward. I was focusing so much on what can I do to worship instead of actually worshipping. I was "worshipping" only while singing at church. I had forgotten that every time I use the talents God has given me in service to him, I'm worshipping. Every time I look at Asher and am thankful I have him, I'm worshipping. When I rise, when I lie down, when I eat, when I pray, when I (fill in the blank) I can be worshipping.

I absolutely am not perfect at this. I still sometimes wonder what the person next to me in church is thinking as I raise my hands while singing, or do they think I have a horrible voice. I still go to work some days just to get a paycheck instead of using my talents to worship. BUT, I'm getting better at it everyday. So my challenge for you is to evaluate how, when, where and what you are worshipping.

1 Corinthians 10:31
31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

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